Put your belt on for safety...right?
Put your belt on for safety…right? As you walk into the brisk confines of CFW on a Saturday morning and look around, what do you see? I see barbells, dumbbells, and bands for fitness, I see a table full of people’s shaker bottles that they didn’t take home (I’m looking at you). I see cubbies full of shoes, belts, shirts, and knee sleeves for safety… or so we’re told. A few weeks back at our coaches meeting I brought a very unpopular, but well researched opinion to the group. Our belts and knee-sleeves, the things that are most meant to keep us safe and healthy, are hurting us. That doesn’t make any sense at all. Well, let’s take a deeper look! Let’s start with the belt. To understand whether a belt is helping or hurting you you’ll need to know a few things about how the body protects itself from heavier loading. Core muscles: Most people think of six-pack abs when they think of core muscles, which is part of the equation, but the core muscles hold a much higher value...